Each individual will be given a single unique ID number. To establish the uniqueness of the individual , demographics and biometric information are also captured and stored . UIDAI will enable a universal identity infrastructure that any ID based applications like ration card, passport etc can also use. Aadhaar will ensure trust between public and private agencies and residents. UIDAI will be proof of identity for geting any service . Once residents enrol for Aadhaar, service providers will not face any problem of performing repeated Know Your Customer (KYC) checks before providing services. They would no longer have to deny services to residents without identification documents
How to Apply : The process and documents required to get an Aadhaar will be circulated by the local media. Residents need to go to the nearest Enrolment Agency carring necessary documents to register for an Aadhaar.
When register for Aadhaar, residents will go through a biometric scanning of fingerprints and iris of the eye. Then the residents will be photographed and given an enrolment number upon completion. Residents will be issued an Aadhaar number within 20 to 30 days.
Who can get Aadhaar : An individual who is a resident of India and satisfies the certain verification process by the UIDAI can get an Aadhaar.